Contact the Milk Video team.

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Is Milk Video just for testimonials?

Milk Video can be used for creating any type of marketing video, but we see that customer generated content is the highest converting for marketing teams and a great starting point for teams looking to expand their video presence.

Can I give my team access to the clips I create?

Yes, you can share clips through a direct link. This link will also allow you to track the number of views of each video.

Are there discounts for education & non-profits?

Yes. Please email support at to learn of our plans for educational institutions and non-profits. We believe strongly in growing a business that supports the global community and establishments that make the world a better place.

Will I get support from the Milk Video team?

Yes. Customer service is a very high priority for us at Milk Video. With our Concierge and Enterprise plans, companies also receive a dedicated account executive.